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In order to set the objectives of the project, we analysed each school’s needs and difficulties. After putting them together we realised that we all shared the same sorts of problems. After analysing our needs and difficulties we decided that creating a digital (and interactive) newspaper could be the perfect vehicle for our project. 




1- To improve the students basic and transversal skills by using a more practical, innovative and motivating methodology.


-To gather, analyse and sort out the most important information in order to write articles about different topics.

-To enjoy reading the articles written by students from different countries.

-To make up, suggest and write/draw mathematical challenges, mental calculation, logic riddles and puzzles that will be published in the “Mathematical challenges” part of the newspaper

-To sort out the mathematical challenges, mental calculation, logic riddles and puzzles proposed in the “Mathematical challenges” part of the newspaper.

-To set up a basic weather station in each school so that the students can observe, gather and compare information about the weather in their town to post in the “weather” section of the newspaper.

-To practice sports and play popular games from different countries, gathering information to be shared in the “sport” part of the newspaper.

-To grow a garden and be in charge of their maintenance and benefit, gathering and working out information to share with the other schools through the “My little garden” part of the newspaper.

These objectives were developed by the students with the teachers’ help, especially in the English subject. The different activities were merged in the curricula in the different subjects according to their topics (Language, PE, English, Science, Maths…). During the two years of the project there were four editions of the newspaper and the students had to write an article for each section. In addition, the whole community developed this objectives when they read the digital edition of the newspaper as well as when they cooperated in the development of the activities.


-To motivate and provide teachers and students with a favourable situation for lifelong learning. 

This objective were developed by teachers and students through the two years of the project. This project proved to be an efficient and highly motivating tool for teaching that  let us work transversal skills that were merged in the curriculum. The activities were carried out by children of a wide range of ages and capacities, which  fulfilled our goal of waking up their interest in the study and motivated them to continue it in the future.


-To improve our teachers and students’ command of the English language.

-To write a vocabulary booklet in different languages.

-To write and read articles in English on the different topics of the newspaper.

-To communicate with students and teachers from other countries in English.

These objectives were developed by students, teachers and the community in different moments of the project: while sharing information, working together and developing the activities, and by visiting different countries.


2- To improve our teachers and students’ ICT skills.

-To use Open Educational Resources (OER) and integrate them in the class while carrying out the activities of the project.

-To use different electronic devices to take photos, videos… to illustrate the articles of the newspaper.

These objectives were developed by students and teachers. We used e-twining (to share, discuss, show the information), different programmes (like “word”, “Adobe”, “paint”…etc) to write and ilustrate the articles and other websites to make our online newspaper (like creatavist, slideshare, flipbook….) Each edition of the newspaper was digitalized and the students with the help of the teachers were in charge of these tasks during the Learning/Teaching/Training Activities


3- To make our students and teachers feel part of Europe and real European citizens.

-To develop international cooperation and relations in the frame of Europe.

-To promote the knowledge of different European cultures and countries.

This objective was developed by students and teachers while carrying out the activities of the project. In the Learning/Teaching/Training Activities, international teams of students had to work together in order to edit and create each edition of the newspaper. Teachers from the different schools collaborated in the design, organization, timing, assessment and dissemination of the project.


-To awake our students’ entrepreneurial spirit.

In the European year of development, and in the frame of the policies of Europe 2020, we could not forget the importance of developing our students’ entrepreneurial spirit. By being in charge – with the guidance of the teachers- of the management of the newspaper and its advertising  our students’ entrepreneurship was awoken.


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