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1-Four editions of the online newspaper NEWS BUBBLES with the following parts:


EDITORIAL: each school was in charge of one editorial. We asked for the collaboration of the local authorities to write this part. The result was a better communication and collaboration with the town council representatives and their implication in the school activities and in the project.


WEATHER FORECAST: a weather station was set up in each school. Students learned to observe and gather information from nature. They made drawings, took pictures and completed charts in order to write this part of the newspaper. In addition they wrote an article about the typical activities of each season in each country (“what we do in autumn, winter and Christmas, spring and summer). We made a seasonal calendar with tips about how to take care of the planet and fight the climate change.


MATH CHALLENGE GAMES: students improved their math and logic basic skills and their creativity by making the challenges up, proposing them and solving them. In addition, we did a contest in each school, in which the students had to solve the challenges that were in NEWSBUBBLES 1 and 2.


LITTLE GARDEN:  a little garden or little green house was created in each school. Our students learnt how to look after the plants.  They observed and collected information about the development of their plants. In addition, we had the collaboration of other institutions and significant people to work on our little gardens and to make our students more environmentally friendly. With this section of the newspaper we also worked on the Green schools projects.


HOW WE MADE IT? In each edition of the newspaper students of each school shared their knowledge by teaching the other schools how to make:  1- a scientific experiment, 2- a recipe, 3- a popular game with a dance and 4- an arts and crafts workshop. The students made videos.


SPORT: each school shared information about different topics related to sports: like races, local games, popular games, their favourite sportsperson and even an interview to important sportsman.


FAMILY TIME: parents associations of the participant schools were in charge of writing this part. They shared information about the activities they did in the school and about their experiences during the exchanges of students. Result: a better collaboration and integration of families in the school life and in the development of the project.


VOCABULARY BOOKLET: videos explaining useful expressions in all the languages of the participant countries plus English. We worked on four topics: 1- greetings requests, 2- in a restaurant, 3- in the school 4- asking directions. The students shared their experiences while putting it into practice the expressions of the vocabulary booklet during the exchanges of students. In addition, we celebrated a “vocabulary booklet” contests during the activities of exchange of students in Spain (October 2017) and Slovakia (May 2017).

To see the four editions of the newspaper NEWSBUBBLES follow this link: or


PROJECT’S CORNER:  working on international teams on e-Twinning  In each edition of the newspaper we exchanged information about each country: 1- geographical features (a guessing game) 2-music (a popular dance) 3-traditions (a guessing game and sharing information about Christmas’ traditions) 4- culture (a travelling guide “Travelling with the Euro-school Reporters”). In addition, a “physical” corner of the project (exhibition) was set up in each school. We exchanged posters to put in each project corner. To learn more about our e-Twinning project follow this link:


QUESTIONNAIR: to get feedback from the readers and evaluate the newspaper itself. A questionnaire on google forms. The result was involving the community and helping the project to reach a bigger impact.

Other results:
  • Logo of the project. Website of the project. Twinspace. Skype meetings.

  • Meaningful cooperation and communication among institutions: schools, parent associations, local authorities will cooperate in the development of the project. Peer learning and collaborative work by working on heterogeneous groups of students / teachers from different nationalities

  • Teachers, students, families developed a positive attitude that included the capacity to value the diversity of cultures and  awake their interest and curiosity for the languages and the intercultural communication.

  • Innovative teaching approaches that meant the integration of Open Educational Resources in the class.

  • Improvement of the students’ basic and transversal skills : writing – reading.

  • Improvement of the English skills: participants learned how to use properly useful tools like set expressions and vocabulary in the frame of a life-long learning.

  • Improvement of ICT skills through the activities.

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